After over a year of silence in the arenas, Gon Bops is back out on tour in full force! Check out these great Gon Bops artists and their GB setups in your area!
Scott Crago – drummer/percussionist for the Eagles, using California Series congas and array of our toys.
Papayo – percussionist for Pit Bull, using custom California Series congas, Alex Acuna timbales, Mariano Djembe.
Daniel de los Reyes – percussionist for Zac Brown Band, using his Signature series shakers, tambourine, Alex Acuna Special Edition congas, bongos and timbales.
Jotan Afanador – drummer for Aventura, using an array of our tambourines and bells.
Butch Norton – drummer for Lucinda Williams, using our mounted tambourines and various toys and our cajons.
….AND, coming soon – the great LENNY CASTRO will be touring with John Mayer! Check out Lenny in John’s latest video “Last Train Home”, using his very cool signature series congas, bongos and tambourines!